Finding the Prefect Type of Flooring

Reasons Laminate Is a Great Alternative to Timber Flooring

As the flooring industry grows by leaps and bounds, technological advancements have transformed laminate flooring from a tacky and cheap option to an affordable and luxurious alternative to timber. Although wood flooring does remain a popular option for homeowners, more individuals realise that it requires intensive maintenance for it to remain attractive, As a result, homeowners are now in search of choices that will complement their décor but still provide them with enhanced functionality. Here are some of the reasons why laminate is a great alternative to timber flooring.

Laminate flooring offers a wide selection of styles

Timber flooring is a classic flooring option since the different wood grains are quite attractive. Thus, homeowners tend to gravitate toward timber species since they assume they will not be able to get the same design and style with other materials. In reality, laminate flooring offers you just the same wide selection of styles to choose from. Whether you would like your floors to have a distressed charm about them or would prefer a high gloss sheen with a cherry grain, you can get laminate flooring that mimics the appearance of these different types of timber styles. Moreover, you also have the flexibility to choose laminate flooring that mimics entirely different materials such as tile, marble and more.

Laminate flooring is highly durable

Another reason why laminate flooring makes an excellent alternative to timber flooring is the high durability that it will provide your home. Once the laminate flooring is manufactured, it is coated with a resin layer. The resin functions to protect the surface of the laminate from gradual wear and tear that would come about due to high traffic. Thus, you can be assured that your laminate flooring will not succumb to scuff marks, despite being installed in heavy usage areas. Timber flooring, on the other hand, would require you to be extremely careful to ensure that it does not develop skid marks or scuff marks. It is not uncommon to find some homeowners prohibiting their guests' from walking indoors with their shoe in an attempt to prevent undue damage to their timber flooring.

Laminate flooring is resistant to chemicals

If you have timber flooring, part of the maintenance would be to ensure that the surface is not exposed to harsh chemicals or a host of organic solvents. If your wood flooring is exposed to cleaning detergents, red wine or even tea, it could develop permanent stains. Laminate flooring is not absorbent. Since these cleaners and beverages cannot penetrate its surface, it stays attractive for much longer than its timber counterpart does.
